Føroya Banki (One-pager): Solidt udbytte for 2024, og stærk kursperformance de første måneder af året.
Efter at alle banker i vores peer group af mindre og mellemstore danske børsnoterede pengeinstitutter har aflagt årsregnskab for 2024 har vi opdateret vores one-pager på Føroya Banki.
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Du kan også se eller gense vores event fra slutningen af februar, hvor administrerende direktør Turið F. Arge fra Føroya Banki præsenterer tallene for 2024 og svarer på spørgsmål fra publikum: https://www.inderes.dk/analyst-comments/foroya-banki-video-med-praesentation-af-arsregnskabet-for-2024
Disclaimer: HC Andersen Capital modtager betaling fra Føroya Banki for en Digital IR/Corporate Visibility abonnementsaftale. /Rasmus Køjborg, CFA kl. 20.30 d. 14/03-2025.
Føroya Banki
Føroya Banki (formerly BankNordik) is a Faroese bank listed on Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen, and based in Thorshavn. The bank offers financial services to private, public and corporate customers. In the Faroe Islands and Greenland, the offering consists of banking and pension services, while insurance services are also part of the offering in the Faroe Islands. Banking activities in the Faroe Islands are organised under the name Føroya Banki, while insurance and real estate activities are marketed under the Trygd and Skyn brands respectively. Føroya Banki dates back to 1906, when the bank was founded under the name Føroya Banki, which at the time was a subsidiary of Landmandsbanken (today Danske Bank). In 1994, Føroya Banki merged with Sjóvinnubankin, and in 2006 the Faroese parliament chose to privatise the bank with a subsequent listing on the Danish and Icelandic stock exchanges in 2007. After acquiring 12 branches from Sparbank in 2010, the bank changed its name to BankNordik and in 2011 acquired the healthy parts of Amagerbanken. In 2021, the Danish banking activities were divested and the focus is now exclusively on the Faroe Islands and Greenland. Therefore, in 2024, the bank chose to reintroduce the name Føroya Banki. Work continues on an independent name for the Greenlandic banking activities.
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