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Acuvi, Capital Markets Day, 2023

Language: en
Venue: Inderes Studio VALO (Västra trädgårdsgatan 19, Stockholm)
Sector: Industrials - Engineering
Activity: Capital Markets Day
Acuvi is pleased to invite analysts, investors, and media to a Capital Markets Day on October 12, 2023.
The aim of the day is to increase the understanding of Acuvi’s unique offer, markets and application areas. Management will provide an insight into the company’s growth initiatives, investments and go to market strategy.
If you wish to participate on site, please register on the Attend buttom bellow.
Presenters: Olof Stranding CEO and Mikko Vähäsöyrinki VP and business unit manager LSI
- Welcome
- Introduction Acuvi and go-to-market strategy
- Life Science Instrumentations (LSI)
- About LSI
- Growth strategy
- Opportunities Neurotech
- Opportunities IVF
- Acuvi strategy coming years
- Q&A
If you wish to participate on site, please register on the Attend buttom bellow.