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Qlife - Presentation of Q2 2023
Meet and ask questions to Qlife Holdings CFO Kasper Roussøe Thursday 24 August at 09.30.
The event will focus on the recently released Q2 report and especially the turnout of the restructuring program and transformation into a new business model.
Qlife Holding AB is a med-tech group that strives to revolutionize the market for clinical biomarkers and virus tests. By enabling tests at home as a complement to tests in healthcare, access to important health information is facilitated, which can contribute to better treatment and potentially prevent diseases. Qlife Holding was formed in October 2019 and received the certification ISO 13485:2016 the same year, which means that Qlife meets all requirements for the manufacture and sale of in-vitro diagnostic analyzers and reagents. The first capsules in the company's product, Egoo.Health Platform was CE marked for professional use in early 2020. The company has patent protection for key parts of its technology.
Disclaimer: HC Andersen Capital receives payment from Qlife Holding for a DigitalIR/Corporate Visibility agreement./ Claus Thestrup 18 August 2023 at 08:39 AM.