OPERATING PROFIT amounted to SEK 2,671 (6,973) million
ADJUSTED OPERATING PROFIT amounted to SEK 3,226 (6,973) million
PROFIT AFTER NET FINANCIAL ITEMS amounted to SEK 1,536 (6,331) million
ADJUSTED PROFIT AFTER NET FINANCIAL ITEMS amounted to SEK 2,091 (6,331) million
PROFIT AFTER TAX was SEK 1,162 (4,796) million
ADJUSTED PROFIT AFTER TAX was SEK 1,614 (4,796) million
EARNINGS per share before and after dilution, based on the average number of shares outstanding during the period, amounted to SEK 0.58 (2.37)
EARNINGS per share adjusted for items affecting comparability before and after dilution, based on the average number of shares outstanding during the period, amounted to SEK 0.80 (2.31)
ADJUSTMENTS amounted to SEK 555 million, distributed as follows: SEK 1,152 million, Action plan costs, and SEK 597 million, positive adjustment from acquisition-related revaluations
THE ACTION PLAN is completed
THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS proposes a dividend of SEK 0.30/share (0.65/share)