Scandinavian Medical Solutions (One-pager): The foundation is now built for the next growth phase

Yesterday, Scandinavian Medical Solutions reported its 2023/24 results and announced its new 2024/25 guidance. The 2023/24 results were within the company's guidance, and the new guidance ranges for 2024/25 correspond to between 6-19% revenue growth and an EBITDA margin between 9-12%.
After investments in 2023/24, including in the organization and infrastructure, the US subsidiary, and its Aftersales & Parts and Rental business areas, the foundation is now built for the next growth phase.
We have updated our investment case one-pager following the 2023/24 results, new 2024/25 guidance, and recent news. Besides an overview of financials and valuation multiples, the investment case one-pager introduces Scandinavian Medical Solutions and highlights key investment reasons and risks.
Earlier today, Scandinavian Medical Solutions' CEO Jens Hvid Paulsen and Head of Sales Martin Lind presented the 2023/24 report and new expectations in an online live event (in Danish). Watch the presentation here:
Disclaimer: HC Andersen Capital receives payment from Scandinavian Medical Solutions for a Digital IR/Corporate Visibility subscription agreement. /Kasper Lihn 15:00, 21 November 2024.
Scandinavian Medical Solutions
Scandinavian Medical Solutions er en dansk handelsvirksomhed specialiseret i køb og videresalg af brugt billeddiagnostisk udstyr såsom CT-scannere og MR-scannere af høj kvalitet. Scandinavian Medical Solutions tilbyder fleksible løsninger til kunder med specifikke krav, hvilket ofte er et bedre og billigere alternativ til nyt og dyrere produceret OEM-udstyr. Scandinavian Medical Solutions blev grundlagt i 2018, og virksomheden har været børsnoteret på Nasdaq First North i Danmark siden november 2021.
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