Sparekassen Sjælland-Fyn
+2.19 %
NASDAQ Copenhagen
Sparekassen Sjælland-Fyn is a mid-cap Danish bank with a history dating back almost 200 years. The bank offers various financial services to private and business customers, public institutions, cultural institutions, and leisure associations in the bank's market area, which covers Zealand and Funen. The bank is headquartered in Holbæk, western Zealand, and operates 35 branches locally on Zealand and Funen, while at the same time operating 8 area centers, 2 business centers and 5 business departments. Sparekassen Sjælland-Fyn offers and advises on a wide range of financial services such as deposits and loans, savings, housing, pension, private banking, insurance and asset management. Sparekassen Sjælland-Fyn is listed on Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen and is part of the OMX Copenhagen Mid Cap Index.
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Released: 09.09.2024
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Interim report Q1'25
Interim report Q2'25
Interim report Q3'25
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