With roots back to 1851, Gabriel is today a niche company within the global furniture industry, which throughout the value chain, from idea to furniture user, develops, manufactures and sells furniture fabrics, components, upholstered surfaces and related products and services, through its business areas Fabrics, FurnMaster, SampleMaster and Screen Solutions. Gabriel sells B2B, and is growing with the largest market participants, working closely with leading international manufacturers and major users of upholstered furniture, seats and upholstered surfaces.
Following Gabriel’s announcement last week to postpone its FY’23/24 financial reporting due to financial reporting challenges in the Group’s Mexican subsidiary, along with new FY’24/25 guidance on its continuing operations, we have revised our estimates lower and now see higher short-term uncertainties until clarifying news is announced, potentially in the beginning of January 2025. Consequently, we lower our recommendation to Reduce (previously Accumulate), and lower our price target to DKK 225. In the short term, the attractiveness of the investment case is dominated by uncertainties and slower market recovery than expected, however, the long-term potential remains when the market turns more favorable and potentially also when more visibility about the FurnMaster carve-out and the Mexican production unit is provided.
On Thursday, Gabriel announced that it is postponing its FY’23/24 financial reporting from 20 November 2024 to a date in 2025 (TBC by 8 January 2025 at the latest) due to financial reporting challenges in the Group’s Mexican subsidiary, including a key employee resignation and uncertainty surrounding the subsidiary’s inventories. Gabriel’s annual general meeting will be held on 29 January 2025.
Gabriel also maintained its full-year expectations for the 23/24 financial year, against our expectations of an upgrade. The company also announced its new guidance for 24/25 on its ongoing operations, with the management still expecting challenging market conditions. We see a high degree of short-term uncertainty before the FY’23/24 report and more news about the FurnMaster business unit is announced. Based on the news, there is some downward pressure on our previous estimates and valuation, and we will update our estimates, target price, and recommendation for Gabriel in the coming days.
Gabriel var tidligere på ugen repræsenteret af selskabets CEO Anders Hedegaard Petersen på et HCA investorseminar. Udover en generel introduktion til selskabets historie, forretningsmodel, markeder og kunder var der særligt fokus på Gabriels nye vækststrategi fra i starten af august 2024, hvor udviklingen af forretningsenhederne Gabriel Fabrics og SampleMaster intensiveres, mens en carve-out af selskabets FurnMaster-enheder er igangsat.
Gabriel Q3'23/24: Gabriel returned to growth in all three business units in Q3'23/24 with a rising gross profit margin as cost-cutting measures and productivity gains take hold.
Read our latest report at Inderes.dk
Administrerende direktør i Gabriel – Anders Hedegaard Petersen, præsenterede tidligere i dag regnskabet for 3. kvartal 2023/24, og ligesom selskabets nye strategiplan var på agendaen.
Gabriel ventes at rapportere tal for 3. kvartal 2023/24 – torsdag d. 29. august 2024. Dagen efter – fredag d. 30. august kl. 10.00 har du mulighed for at høre mere om hvordan kvartalet er forløbet.
Det sker på et virtuelt live-event, hvor vi har CEO Anders Hedegaard Petersen med fra Gabriel, og foruden en gennemgang af regnskabet, vil der også være tid til spørgsmål fra publikum. Vores estimater for Q3 2023/24 lyder på en omsætning på DKK 220 mio. samt EBITDA og EBIT på henholdsvis DKK 11,2 mio. og DKK -0,7 mio.
Gabriel delivered its first group revenue growth y/y since Q4’21/22 in a sign that momentum may be turning in Gabriel’s favor. Guidance was maintained and expected to land in the top end of the interval, and we believe that EBIT guidance is particularly conservative, with a 9m Q3’23/24 EBIT result above the top-end interval. Cost cutting and efficiency gains contributed to margin expansion in Q3, which, in combination with positive development in leading macroeconomic and industry indicators suggest that Gabriel is on the turn-around path outlined in our projections.