NASDAQ Copenhagen
Industrial Goods & Services
Roblon develops high performance fiber solutions and technologies with a history dating back to 1957, when the company was founded. Roblon produces the fibers, made of fiberglass, aramid etc. that are used to reinforce and protect vital cables in various industries. The company is divided into two main business areas – Fiber Optic Cables (FOC) and Composite. The FOC segment is usually a sub-supplier to large cable producers, where the end customers are typically global internet and telecom providers. The Composite segment is usually a sub-supplier to the producers of wires and cables, which supply global oil & gas companies as well as companies that are active within wind energy. Roblon is headquartered in Frederikshavn (Denmark) and has production facilities in Gærum (Denmark), Hickory, North Carolina (USA) and the recently acquired Vamafil in the Czech Republic. Roblon is thus active with production and sales in both Europe and the USA.
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Released: 21.03.2025
Financial calendar
Interim report Q2'25
Interim report Q3'25
Annual report '25

Dagens aktienyheder 14/03: Impero, WindowMaster, Roblon og Vestjysk Bank

Roblon: Regnskab for 1. kvartal 2024/25 som ventet, og positiv ordretilgang
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Delårsrapport 1. kvartal 2024/25
Interim report Q1 2024/25

Dagens aktienyheder 28/02: Gubra, MPC Energy Solutions , Agillic, GreenMobility A/S, BioPorto A/S, og Roblon A/S.
Expected date of completion of ongoing process to divest Roblon's US subsidiary postponed to end-july 2025
Forventet tidspunkt for afslutning af igangværende frasalgsproces for Roblons amerikanske datterselskab udskydes til udgangen af juli 2025
Constitution of the board of directors
Konstituering af bestyrelsen
Minutes of the annual general meeting 30 January 2025
Referat of ordinær generalforsamling den 30. januar 2025

Dagens aktienyheder 09/01: Gabriel og Roblon

Roblon – Præsentation af årsregnskabet for 2023/24

Dagens aktienyheder 08/01: Spar Nord, Gabriel, GrønlandsBANKEN og Roblon
Indkaldelse til ordinær generalforsamling
Notice convening Annual General Meeting

Dagens aktienyheder 06/01: Gabriel og Roblon A/S